27 October 2012
October 2012
Logan Update
This is Logan's last year at Brigham Young University for his undergrad degree in finance. He is currently working part-time as a teller at Wells Fargo. Now is the ideal time to work with corporate recruiters in order to secure a full-time offer. So far he has interviewed with Johnson & Johnson (1st and 2nd round with an offer), Zions Bank (1st and 2nd round), Wells Fargo (1st round), Union Pacific (1st round, denied), Melaleuca (1st round and had a meet with CFO), Intuit (1st round), Walmart (1st round and had a meet and greet with SVP of Finance, denied) and this week Logan had a first round interview with Intuit. The last couple months we have done a lot waiting, accepting, and denying job offerings. Learning to rely on God to know which is best for us is challenging and a learning experience for us both. We are learning that it is best to lean on Him; makes our life less stressful/worrisome.
Hanna Update
Still adjusting to the life of working at home as a full time wife, mom, and home maker. Loving being with Connor and seeing all his milestones. So thrilled to not be selling phones at Verizon anymore.
That morning we were on the road around 6:45am. Almost immediately upon our arrival to the hunting grounds, we saw a small herd of deer. We headed them off in the truck. They were about 120 yards away when we took aim. BOOM! Yeah I missed, again! Frustrated that I already missed two shots, and knowing that I was better than this, I knew I wasn't going to miss my next shots. Scott and I had two tags to fill; I was the one that was going to fill both. We went to our next target rich spot. Immediately, we spotted three deer; a mom doe and two doe fawns around 50-75 yards away. Luckily, Scott wanted to fill our tags with fawns, since fawns have naturally tender meat; so, it was easy to divide up the targets.

I hopped out of the truck, rolled down the window on the door and used the door to steady my shot. I acquired my first target, focused...BOOM! A perfect shot, seriously! The fawn dropped immediately, dead on the spot as I cycled the bolt action on my rifle to prepare for the second shot. BOOM! Chris took his shot at the mom doe. His shot wasn't as good of a shot; however, that was because the doe was trotting away after my first shot. He obliterated the front right shoulder of the deer. It tried getting away on one front leg and ended up finally bedding down about 200 yards away. The last deer seemed confused. It didn't know where its family went. As I took aim at this last deer, Scott, forgetting he had two tags to fill, started asking, "Did you drop the other deer? Did you drop the other deer?" Losing my concentration focus, I started getting butterflies in my stomach as I responded, "Yeah. Uh...I don't see it anymore! I think I dropped it." I got back into position,
nervous and less focused. BOOM! I pulled my shot a little high, significantly severing its spinal cord. The fawn hit the dirt, squirming a little as I ran down there to take him out of his misery. We "tagged out" before 7:15am. Awesome! After gathering our deer we "field dressed" them (we took out all their guts on the spot). Since I had never hunted prior to this opportunity, this hunt turned out to be a GREAT learning experience. I wanted to be as hands on as possible, therefore, I learned how to gut, clean, quarter and butcher all three of these deer. What an AWESOME experience!
I want to thank Scott and Chris for this amazing learning experience. Scott, thank you for the company and the help of driving on our journey to and from Wyoming. Also, thank you for putting this hunt together and inviting
me to participate. I don't think you understand how grateful I am for this experience, your kindness, and our brotherly friendship! Chris, thank you for being willing to host Scott and I as we participated in this hunt. You, also, are a Great Guy! Overall, this was an amazing experience.
Sunday the guys arrived home and we were all able to spend time together before heading back home to Utah. Jenee and Scott took some fall family pictures for us on their gorgeous, farm land. Later that evening we had a very full house when Scott's family came in for dinner. Time flies by too fast when you are having fun, we wish it could have lasted longer. We can't wait to all be together soon!
We Will Be Together Forever, Someday!
Sunday, October 28, was a sad day. I woke up to the text message that my Papa, Bobbie Jack Harris, passed away. On the surface I only seemed a little sad; however, underneath, my heart ached for the loss of such a wonderful man! Suffering with Alzheimer's, I know his quality of life was less than decent and his death was a blessing to for him to truly be in a better place.
Among many others, namely my own father, my Papa helped to teach me how to work hard, stand up for my standards, and be the man I am today. I will always remember the time he gave me a ride to a church activity after my parents and I got into an argument. He told me he should “whoop my ass” for how I disrespected my parents. Too Funny! My Papa was never one to sugar coat things.
I will always remember our golfing trips with Dairy Queen right after, our story times of his past experiences, and our being three generations at the General Conference Priesthood sessions. My testimony of the gospel of Jesus Chris is what grounds my emotions. I know that his death wasn’t a goodbye, more like a see you later! Papa, I love you. Rest in peace.
The Future is Here
Hanna Update
Still adjusting to the life of working at home as a full time wife, mom, and home maker. Loving being with Connor and seeing all his milestones. So thrilled to not be selling phones at Verizon anymore.
Connor Update
This week Mr. Connor turned 5 months old, he is growing up WAY too fast. Connor learned how to roll this month and has become a pro at rolling to get to where he wants to be! (We need to start baby proofing) He continues to laugh, giggle and smile. We love him sooooo much!
This week Mr. Connor turned 5 months old, he is growing up WAY too fast. Connor learned how to roll this month and has become a pro at rolling to get to where he wants to be! (We need to start baby proofing) He continues to laugh, giggle and smile. We love him sooooo much!
Picnic with Friends
We started off the week with fun! Sunday evening we got together with the Cobb family, Langford family, and DiFiore family. We had a Mexican theme picnic in the park with beef and chicken enchiladas, chips and dip, refried beans, salad, and cinnamon cake. Between all of us, we would take any mexican restaurant, around town, out of business! :o) Great food, conversations, games and overall good time!
Trip to Idaho
This past weekend, Oct. 18-21, we spent with family in Shelley, Idaho. We are very blessed to have family within driving distance to spend quality time with. The main purpose of the trip was for Logan to go hunting ,for the first time, and for Hanna to have some, much needed, sister time with Jenee.
Hanna and Connor spent their time with Jenee (sister) and kids (nephews and nieces: Cameron, Zach, Jessica, Leeanna and Madison). We kept is stress free and chilled at the house. We had lots of laughs, food, sugar, movies, deep discussions, and games. We discovered Connor is cutting his first two, bottom teeth and we gave him his first taste of bananas. Connor loved all the attention he got this weekend from his cousins. Definitely was not a dull moment at the Haslem home. Meanwhile, Logan and Scott (brother) were able to drive over to Wyoming for a deer hunting trip with Chris (Scott's brother in-law). The following is Logan's first person perspective of this event:
Hanna and Connor spent their time with Jenee (sister) and kids (nephews and nieces: Cameron, Zach, Jessica, Leeanna and Madison). We kept is stress free and chilled at the house. We had lots of laughs, food, sugar, movies, deep discussions, and games. We discovered Connor is cutting his first two, bottom teeth and we gave him his first taste of bananas. Connor loved all the attention he got this weekend from his cousins. Definitely was not a dull moment at the Haslem home. Meanwhile, Logan and Scott (brother) were able to drive over to Wyoming for a deer hunting trip with Chris (Scott's brother in-law). The following is Logan's first person perspective of this event:
Scott and I embarked on this trip soon after we zeroed in my rifle - who would go on a hunting trip without a zeroed rifle? The drive to Powell, Wyoming took roughly 5 hours. We drove through Yellowstone National Park and had the opportunity to see these massive buffalo, huge elk, and majestic bald eagles as we enjoyed our drive this wonderful area.
We arrived in Powell, around 4:30pm Friday afternoon, we immediately packed up Chris's truck and headed to our hunting grounds to both scout out the area as well as, hopefully, get an early start on filling our tags. We saw several deer and had couple, less advantageous opportunities that we didn't capitalize on. One opportunity came right at dusk. The sun was almost gone, making it almost illegal for us to continue our hunt, when we saw two deer
about 200-225 yards away. I steadied myself, took aim at the only deer I could see, calmed my nerves, and squeezed the trigger. BOOM! Yeah, I missed. My shot was in the dirt 4" in front of the deer. Oh well. Not many people I know can make a shot at that distance when you can only see the silhouette of the deer as it pops its head up. We left for Chris's home that evening with a great plan on where we were going to fill our tags the next morning.
We arrived in Powell, around 4:30pm Friday afternoon, we immediately packed up Chris's truck and headed to our hunting grounds to both scout out the area as well as, hopefully, get an early start on filling our tags. We saw several deer and had couple, less advantageous opportunities that we didn't capitalize on. One opportunity came right at dusk. The sun was almost gone, making it almost illegal for us to continue our hunt, when we saw two deer
about 200-225 yards away. I steadied myself, took aim at the only deer I could see, calmed my nerves, and squeezed the trigger. BOOM! Yeah, I missed. My shot was in the dirt 4" in front of the deer. Oh well. Not many people I know can make a shot at that distance when you can only see the silhouette of the deer as it pops its head up. We left for Chris's home that evening with a great plan on where we were going to fill our tags the next morning.
That morning we were on the road around 6:45am. Almost immediately upon our arrival to the hunting grounds, we saw a small herd of deer. We headed them off in the truck. They were about 120 yards away when we took aim. BOOM! Yeah I missed, again! Frustrated that I already missed two shots, and knowing that I was better than this, I knew I wasn't going to miss my next shots. Scott and I had two tags to fill; I was the one that was going to fill both. We went to our next target rich spot. Immediately, we spotted three deer; a mom doe and two doe fawns around 50-75 yards away. Luckily, Scott wanted to fill our tags with fawns, since fawns have naturally tender meat; so, it was easy to divide up the targets.
I hopped out of the truck, rolled down the window on the door and used the door to steady my shot. I acquired my first target, focused...BOOM! A perfect shot, seriously! The fawn dropped immediately, dead on the spot as I cycled the bolt action on my rifle to prepare for the second shot. BOOM! Chris took his shot at the mom doe. His shot wasn't as good of a shot; however, that was because the doe was trotting away after my first shot. He obliterated the front right shoulder of the deer. It tried getting away on one front leg and ended up finally bedding down about 200 yards away. The last deer seemed confused. It didn't know where its family went. As I took aim at this last deer, Scott, forgetting he had two tags to fill, started asking, "Did you drop the other deer? Did you drop the other deer?" Losing my concentration focus, I started getting butterflies in my stomach as I responded, "Yeah. Uh...I don't see it anymore! I think I dropped it." I got back into position,
nervous and less focused. BOOM! I pulled my shot a little high, significantly severing its spinal cord. The fawn hit the dirt, squirming a little as I ran down there to take him out of his misery. We "tagged out" before 7:15am. Awesome! After gathering our deer we "field dressed" them (we took out all their guts on the spot). Since I had never hunted prior to this opportunity, this hunt turned out to be a GREAT learning experience. I wanted to be as hands on as possible, therefore, I learned how to gut, clean, quarter and butcher all three of these deer. What an AWESOME experience!
I want to thank Scott and Chris for this amazing learning experience. Scott, thank you for the company and the help of driving on our journey to and from Wyoming. Also, thank you for putting this hunt together and inviting
me to participate. I don't think you understand how grateful I am for this experience, your kindness, and our brotherly friendship! Chris, thank you for being willing to host Scott and I as we participated in this hunt. You, also, are a Great Guy! Overall, this was an amazing experience.
Sunday the guys arrived home and we were all able to spend time together before heading back home to Utah. Jenee and Scott took some fall family pictures for us on their gorgeous, farm land. Later that evening we had a very full house when Scott's family came in for dinner. Time flies by too fast when you are having fun, we wish it could have lasted longer. We can't wait to all be together soon!
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Traditional Funny Photo Pose |

Among many others, namely my own father, my Papa helped to teach me how to work hard, stand up for my standards, and be the man I am today. I will always remember the time he gave me a ride to a church activity after my parents and I got into an argument. He told me he should “whoop my ass” for how I disrespected my parents. Too Funny! My Papa was never one to sugar coat things.
I will always remember our golfing trips with Dairy Queen right after, our story times of his past experiences, and our being three generations at the General Conference Priesthood sessions. My testimony of the gospel of Jesus Chris is what grounds my emotions. I know that his death wasn’t a goodbye, more like a see you later! Papa, I love you. Rest in peace.
The Future is Here
With graduation from the finance program on the horizon, and in order to have a position upon graduation, Logan has been going through the recruiting process at Brigham Young University this semester. One of his many interviews was as a Credit Analyst with the National Real Estate division at Zions Bank, in Salt Lake City. Logan had an initial first-round phone interview; passed, and Logan then went on to an in-person interview. After much anxiety, due to the ambiguity of his future and his responsibility to provide for his family, Logan received an offer from Zions Bank.

We are VERY pleased to announce his acceptance of an offer from the National Real Estate division at Zions. He will be working as a Credit Analyst. In other words, he will be evaluating large businesses seeking loans to acquire real estate. A special thank you to our family and friends for your prayers and support!
Halloween Cutie
The only person in our home who was festive this Halloween was Little Man. Logan had the day off so we all were able to play around. Connor said, "Thanks Grandma for the pirate shirt." We weren't planning on dressing Connor up since he can't eat candy and, therefore, can't go trick-n-treating. However, since Grandma sent the shirt, we decided to get a few accessories in order to let him be a pirate all day. We're glad we did because he sure was the cutest pirate you ever did see!

After Logan officially accepted the offer, we began celebrating; dinner at Cafe Rio and a dessert of brownies and Root Beer at home! We are very blessed and thankful for this job and the bright future ahead!
Girls Just Wanna Have Fun!
In our church ward, some of the artsy women get together once-a-month to do a craft project. I had a great time socializing and came home with a beautiful pompom necklace. The best part is it did not cost anything to make. I transformed an old t-shirt and necklace that has been sitting in my drawers for years (probably should have thrown them away a long time ago, but now I'm glad I didn't, haha!) I can't believe how easy this necklace was to make. It was fun getting out of the house and making new friends. I may be a mom now but I still like to have a good time. Halloween Cutie
The only person in our home who was festive this Halloween was Little Man. Logan had the day off so we all were able to play around. Connor said, "Thanks Grandma for the pirate shirt." We weren't planning on dressing Connor up since he can't eat candy and, therefore, can't go trick-n-treating. However, since Grandma sent the shirt, we decided to get a few accessories in order to let him be a pirate all day. We're glad we did because he sure was the cutest pirate you ever did see!
Happy Halloween!
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