The 2012 Election: Obama Verses Romney!
This was my first time ever voting. I'm embarrassed to say that in 2008 Obama did not seem too bad; therefore, I did not even vote. My opinion of Obama, however, has changed drastically and this year I felt I needed to help my nation get back on the right path. Connor and I stood in line to vote for TWO hours. After casting my vote I felt relief and excitement for the upcoming presidential term. I just knew Romney was going to win, "Because no one would want to choose a person who doesn't uphold to their promises", or so I thought.
Later that night, we gathered at our friends, the Cobb's, house for an election party. The high spirits did not last long. We all were in shock and speechless at the results. "Predicted win" kept repeating on the screen. Personally I did not want to believe the predictions and kept repeating in my head "its just a prediction, Romney still could win." But the sinking feeling sunk in when Obama gave his winning speech. I just can not believe the nation would want to give Obama another four years. He won the electoral and popular vote (unbelievable)! I'm devastated that our nation is becoming a socialist economy as Ayn Rand has described in her book Atlas Shrugged.
I can't say I should be completely shocked with the results; the scriptures tell of the end times becoming more and more like our day. Sounds like it can only get worse before it gets better. I don't have any control of the nation but I can control my actions. I will continue to strive to become my best self and be prepared for the arrival of our Savior.
Connor and Hanna waiting in line to vote! |
Hello, New Food!
Connor is officially a solid eating little boy! Not a fan of plain cereal but he loves to eat all the mushy foods.
"Nom, nom, nom" |
"Mom, am i suppose to lick it off the spoon?" |
"I got the magic spoon" |
"umm dad, seriously, you're embarrassing me.." |
"Yummy! sweet potatoes!" |
"Dad, give it to me already!" |
"I can do this my self!" |
Connor Turned 6 Months Old!
We can't believe how fast time is flying by. Connor has improved upon his rolling everywhere to crawling everywhere. His crawl is, more or less, an army style crawl method. Connor has two bottom teeth. He continues to be a happy little baby, most of the time.
6 months old means going and getting measured and poked by the doctor. Connor weight is 18 pounds, 11 ounces (66%), length is 27.5 inches (83 %) and head circumference is 45.5 cm (96%).
For Thanksgiving Jack (Grandpa), Mary (Nana) and Trey came to Provo to celebrate together. All of us squeezed into our little 2 bed, 1 bathroom apartment. Of coarse, Connor-man loved all the attention and was the main star! We had a great time just being together and even managed to take a stroll through Temple Square in Salt Lake City. We felt very blessed that family was willing to come spend time with us. I Wish I would have taken pictures, thankfully Mary did :)
Ready for breakfast |
Connor learning from Grandpa how to make funny faces! |
Tabernacle |
Inside the Tabernacle |
Celebrating Christmas? No, the lights are just warming up. |
Us pushing Connor |
Dad & Trey |
All of us |
Preparing Thanksgiving Dinner |