28 February 2014

February 2014

On to a New Adventure:
Everything seems so sure real. It doesn't seem real that we will be moving to Texas in two weeks. After we accepted the offer we invited our friends that live in Provo over to share the exciting news. A year ago, Talmadge did an internship at Ernest & Young in Dallas and was offered a position upon graduation. We knew the Henderson family would be moving to the Dallas area but were not sure of the exact city.We informed them we would be moving to Plano. It just so happens, after much researching, they had chosen to move there; as well, because of the great school district and low crime rates. Since we would be moving to the same area we began looking for apartments together. We've been neighbors before and thought it would be fun to be neighbors again.

Parting gift from our good friend, the Henderson Family

Goodbye Utah:
Before saying good bye to Utah, my friend's Lacey and Lauren took me out for a girls night. We went and ate Mexican and then went roller skating. It was a great parting memory to have with these ladies. 

Since we have moved so many times we have become pros at moving. Packing and loading went as planned. We may be great at moving now but we still do not enjoy it but who does? We decided to pack the moving truck up the night before the move and spend our last night in Utah on our air mattress. So glad to move away from Utah in the winter, because I don't know if I would have easily said goodbye to Utah in the summer. We look forward to our new adventure in a new state.
Dad - Just pack me like this. I don't want to make that drive again.

Our North Salt Lake Apartment
The 6th place we've lived in our almost 5 and half years of marriage. 

Ready to go.

lots of oil rigs
Fast food is yucky!

Our new normal. Welcome to city life!

(8 members of the Elders Quorum showed up and had us moved in, in under 45 minutes)

Plano Texas is now the place we call home! 
Our New Address: 
7401 Alma Drive
Apt #1624
Plano, TX 75025 

We still can't believe we are here. Everything has happened so fast. We went from freezing everyday to now only having to wear a little sweater. The smell (grass, trees, dew), sounds (birds), sites (green trees) remind us of our home in Georgia. The mountains have been replaced with water towers. And driving on the interstates is as if you are on a mountain, you can see for forever. The instates here are huge, I guess everything is bigger in Texas. Southern hospitality is real: people open doors, pull out shopping carts, give Connor toys for free, a lot of smiles and waves. 

The Dallas Zoo
Logan had a week before he started his new job, so we thought we would go out and have some family fun. We did enough unpacking to live, but decided to spend some time together as a family. Unpacking would come soon enough, I would have plenty time to do that. We decided to go explore our new environment. Drove through downtown dallas on our way to the dallas zoo. We didn't realize how small of a city Salt Lake was until driving through Dallas. The Dallas Fort Worth area is huge! Never though I would live in such a big city. But I've realized no matter where I go, as long as, I have my family I can call any place home.