Everyday Connor enjoys hearing the jets flying over head. So we went to Hill Airforce Base Museum to visit the planes.
Connor and Papa
thumbs up for future pilot
Above is the missile that Logan is currently working on
Enjoying our backyard
We've been enjoying the backyard with this abnormal warm weather. We've been picnicking, doing art and crafts, digging in the dirt and playing baseball.
I've noticed Connor's language skills have developed a ton since moving to Utah. He can actually communicate exactly what he wants and others can actual understand what he saids. He has finally started singing instead of just doing the signs for the songs. He loves to sing "Give said the Little Stream", "Itsy betsy spider", "Trying to be like Jesus", "The Wise Man", "In the leafy treetops", "Book of Mormon Stories".
We started back to potty training. During the break of potty training, every time I changed his diaper I talked to him about how big boys use the potty and baby use diapers. He did not like being called a baby and insisted that he was a big boy. When we started back to potty training I did away with the reward system and instead praised him with: clapping, high five giving, singing and dancing. He is officially potty trained, but still has an occasional accident. Connor is a deep sleeper so not sure when he will be night trained.
Preterm Labor Scare
For the past few weeks, I have been having very strong cramping. My stomach is constantly contracting along with lower back pain. The doctor said to give her a call if the contractions do not stop with drinking water and lying down. It seemed no matter how much water I drank (i'm drinking 13, 8oz glasses of water a day) I can not get the contractions to stop. Logan had been telling me to contact my midwife and inform her of what has been going on. I finally decided I should after trying everything I possibly knew to do get them to stop. They told me to come in immediately. Logan left work immediately and met me at the doctors. They ran a few test on me and the outcome is I just have an irritable uterus. The contractions I feel are just uncomfortable but are not causing me to go into labor. Just another way my body reacts to pregnancy.